Samsung and Qualcomm are Collaborating to Produce Chips for 5G Mobile Phone Technology

Samsung and Qualcomm are Collaborating to Produce Chips for 5G Mobile Phone Technology

Two tech giant com[panies, Samsung and Qualcomm are expanding their decade-long parnership to develop Chips for 5G mobile technology based on the EUV-Excess Ultraviolet technology.

Two companies have been collaborating to produce Snapdragon 5G Mobile Chipsets using the Excess Ultraviolet technology.

Samsung Electronics Co. has announced that it will collaborate with the Qualcomm technologies to produce the 7nm chips for Fifth-generation network service. To manufacture the 5G Mobile Chipsets, Samsuns's 7nm Low Power Plus(LPP) EUV technology will be in use.

Using the 7nm LPP EUV technology, 5G Mobile Chipset will provide smaller chipset design, offering small usable space inside the upcoming products to support larger batteries as well as slimmer designs.
