Top Tech News: 15th March, 2018

Google will help 1 million europeans to find jobs by year 2020

The technology giant, Google will help one million Europeans to find a job or grow their businesses by 2020.

This initiative is part of "Grow with Google" project and was launched in 2015.

The "Grow with Google" project, has until now trained three million Europeans and more than two million people in Africa in digital skills

Microsoft AI translates Chinese to English just like humans

A team of Microsoft researchers has created an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered machine system which can translate sentences of news articles from Chinese to English with the same quality and accuracy as humans.

Systems could perform about as well as a person when it used a language pair like Chinese to English for which there is a lot of data.

Yahoo Users will sue the company for record-setting data breach

Yahoo users in the United States can sue the company over its former massive record-setting data breach.

In October, Yahoo admitted that the breach affected all 3 billion users, whose names, email addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, scrambled passwords and security questions and answers may have been stolen.

Intel processors are redesigned to protect against spectre

Intel is introducing hardware protections against the Spectre CPU flaw which was discovered last year.

The company has redesigned parts of the processor to introduce new levels of protection through partitioning that will protect against the Spectre variants.

The partitioning will work as an extra protective wall between regular applications and the user privilege levels to remove vulnerabilities like Spectre.
