Top Tech News: 29th March, 2018

ISRO made another success story, puts GSAT-6A communication satellite into orbit

       India’s premier space agency made another stunning achievement, ISRO successfully placed GSAT-6A communication satellite into orbit its launched on board its geosynchronous rocket GSLV-F08 from the Sriharikota spaceport on Thursday.

       The two rockets in tandem will provide signals that that would permit two-way exchange of data even from very remote locations where mobile connectivity is still limited -- which makes it very useful for the armed forces. The GSLV is also called "Naughty boy" of Space Agency ISRO as only five of GSLV's 11 earlier launches have been successful. Around 400 scientists and engineers have been called in to help with the launch at the Satish Dhawan Space Center, located on the coast near Chennai.

Researchers Steer Cyborg Mice Through Maze with Brain Stimulation

       How do you know if a cyborg mouse with mind-controlling hardware in its brain is really under human command as it navigates a maze? If it scurries right past a sexy lady mouse and an enticing pile of food to reach the end.

       If you want to get straight to the point (like the mice), scroll down to the video below and start watching at 2:05.

       A team of Korean researchers created their ingenious cyborg mice by tapping into a brain circuit involved when an animal investigates a new object or gives chase to prey. The researchers describe their system in the journal Nature Neuroscience. To test it out, they sent cyborg male mice through a maze with seven different components, including both physical challenges like a mesh ladder and the aforementioned distracters of a female mouse in heat and a dish of food.

       The results were impressive. The video shows a mouse making a series of straight lines and decisive turns, exactly following the path charted by the researchers.

Tesla Investigating Fatal Model X Crash, Releases Statement

       Tesla is not having a great month so far. Among slipping stock prices and delays surrounding its coveted Model 3 electric sedan, it seems that the California-based manufacturer can't catch a break.

       An accident which claimed the life of a Model X driver put Tesla in the hot seat as accusations of an autopilot malfunction swirled around the internet. In a statement made by the automaker, it defends the autopilot's ability to safely navigate and offers assistance to authorities to investigate the crash.

       Model X collided head-on with a safety barrier on Route 101 in California. The SUV became engulfed in flames after its battery packs caught fire following the collision, prompting Tesla to send a team of engineers to the crash site to help remove the battery pack from the vehicle after firefighters extinguished the blaze.

National Government sends notice to facebook

       India's government has sent a notice to Facebook asking whether the personal data of Indian voters and users has been compromised by U.K.-based Cambridge Analytica or any other downstream entity.

       A similar notice was dispatched to Cambridge Analytica last week following media reports that it had misused data to profile Indians and influence their elections. The government set a Saturday deadline for Cambridge Analytica and April 7 for Facebook to respond to its inquiry.

       Facebook is facing unprecedented scrutiny following reports that the data mining firm used ill-gotten data from tens of millions of its users to try to influence elections.
